This blog is a compilation of short travel stories from a mom-son trip Desmond (6) and I took to Zambia. We went to visit Christie and Craig, some of the best people in the world and longtime friends who live and work in Lusaka with their one and four year old girls.
The posts are from emails I sent to Jeremy while Dez and I were traveling. They were detailed updates so that he would know what we were up to since he was back in the States with Josie (3), and I decided to post them on a blog after I realized I didn't have time to give full recaps in person or by phone to everyone.
To read the posts in order (from "And We're Off" and Day 1 through Day 11), click on the list of posts from September in the right hand column on most computer screens. Otherwise you'll be reading backwards from Day 11 to Day 1 and things won't make much sense :)